Two hours can make a huge difference.
I've been working in an agile development shop using the Scrum methodology for over four years now and have a few thoughts on what works well, what doesn't work so well and some thoughts on how to improve the process. The first topic I would like to discuss is backlog preparation and where that fits/should fit into the sprint schedule.
For those of you unfamiliar with Scrum/agile a 'sprint' is a short iteration, somewhere in the 2 to 4 week range (+- a week) that consists of work selection, planning, design, implementation/development, testing, presentation to the client and a team retrospective - usually fairly rigid and in that order.
The team works from the 'backlog' - a list of features or capabilities (called stories) that need to be researched, developed or integrated into the software. This list is created and prioritized by the 'solution owner' in cooperation with the client/customer. But since we are talking about agile, this list can be changed frequently based on customer feedback and changing priorities.
Usually, these stories start out as nothing more than simple one line statements or short paragraphs of the form 'as a user I need to be able to do X.' At some point in this agile/scrum process these stories need to be flushed out in enough detail so that (a) the story can become actionable by the team and (b) the amount and type of effort required to complete the story can be estimated with some degree of accuracy. In my experience this usually occurs at backlog selection (the kickoff meeting for the new sprint where work is selected). This usually, without exception, leads to meetings that are long, frustrating, and less productive than they need to be.
Agile/scrum teams usually try to combat this by holding 'backlog grooming' meetings throughout the sprint to flush out some of the details of these future stories and make some preliminary design decisions. This, however, has several shortcomings that I have seen time and again: (1) it interrupts the flow/focus of the current sprint, (2) team members are distracted by the current sprint's work and don't fully focus/participate in the thought process for developing future stories and (3) the team many times invests time in preparing stories that they will never actually work or that change dramatically by the time they do.
I use to work in manufacturing and one of the key concepts was 'just in time' - you bring the materials, machinery, and manpower together at just the right time so that inventory isn't building up or so that people and machinery aren't sitting idly by. It's a great concept and aptly applies to software development and agile processes. In this context I believe there is one, and only one, place for backlog preparation and that is sometime between when the team has completed its work on the current sprint and prior to the next backlog selection meeting.
The purpose of these backlog preparation meetings is for the solution owner to present the team with the stories that are to be worked in the coming sprint, for the team to ask some initial questions, and for the team to then go off and do some initial brainstorming. The result should be stories that have a clearer 'definition of done' with some initial high-level tasking from which reasonable estimates of effort can be made. This meeting should be short, perhaps no more than an hour with the solution owner present and perhaps another hour for the team to brainstorm and come up with an initial tasking, estimates, additional questions for the solution owner and, if need be, alternative implementations/paths forward.
The benefits to this approach are that the team is constantly focused on the work they are to be performing at any given point in time, resources are more efficiently and effectively utilized, the actual backlog selection meeting is more productive, estimates are more accurate, teams are happier and more engaged, and sprints get started off on the right foot and have a higher probability of success.
Two hours spent in backlog preparation - at the right time - can make a huge difference.
See also: agile thoughts : sprint length
KeePass Maven plugin 0.4 released
8 years ago
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